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Tips to prepare your home for the best Real Estate pictures



General: All areas in the home

Clean whole house: Vacuum, mop, clean countertops, dust, clean windows, clean tubs, sinks and showers, replace burned out lightbulbs, turn all overhead lights and lamps on, straighten lamp shades, turn ceiling fans off, open blinds/curtains to let in light, hide all exposed power cords, turn all TVs and computer screens off and remove all exposed garbage cans.


Exterior: Curb Appeal!

Close garage doors. Remove cars from driveway and front of home. Clean up landscaping (mow, trim shrubs, clear debris) Hide hoses, garbage cans and children toys. Clean porch and Tidy outdoor living spaces.


Kitchen: Focal point

Clear refrigerator of magnets, papers and photos. Clean all appliances. Hide personal items. Clear countertops. Remove small rugs


Dining Room: Make buyers imagine a nice family meal

Clear table, dust and polish top. Straighten all chairs and space evenly. Remove personal items. Remove small rugs


Living/Family Room: Space to enjoy family time

Straighten and arrange furniture. Remove magazines, papers, mail and all clutter. Clear fireplace mantel/hearth. Fluff and arrange furniture pillows


Bedrooms: Time for a goodnights rest

Make all beds. Clear nightstands. Remove all items from dresser tops.


Bathrooms: Spa-Like

Clear countertops of personal items. Toilet seats down. Remove everything from showers/tubs. Hide plungers and toilet brushes. Put out fresh towels.



*Following this guide will ensure the shoot runs efficiently and the best possible images are produced.







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